Shipyard Monkey Fist IPA Now Year-Round


This from Shipyard Brewing:

PORTLAND, MAINE (April 25, 2012) – Shipyard Brewing Company announces the release of a new year-round beer: Shipyard Monkey Fist IPA. This beer will be available nationwide in early May.

Monkey Fist is the genesis of a new generation of IPA. The traditional elements of classic English IPA have been redefined by American craft beer innovation. Monkey Fist is edgy, aggressive, and unique in style. This beer is brilliant copper in color and exploding with Warrior, Glacier and Cascade Hop character but able to maintain a beautiful balance.

“It’s easy to load up on hops and create an American-style IPA,” noted Bruce Forsley, director of sales. “The trick is to draw out the subtle elements in the hops -- the aroma, the citrus characteristics -- and still maintain harmony with the malt. Our master brewer Alan Pugsley has done a magical job striking this balance with our unique interpretation.”

Monkey Fist IPA marks the third IPA offering from Shipyard. The two other IPAs in the company’s portfolio are Shipyard Fuggles IPA (English-style IPA) and Pugsley’s Signature Series XXXX IPA (Imperial / Double IPA). More about IPA styles can be found in the Brewers Association’s 2012 Beer Style Guidelines:

More about Monkey Fist IPA can be found at this link: This beer is available in 6-packs, 12-packs, single 22oz. bottles, and on draft. Depending on the state, the suggested retail price is: 6-packs - $10 | 12-packs - $17 | 22oz. bottles - $4.50.
Malt: Pale Ale, Malted Wheat, Munich, Crystal, Caramalt
Hops: Warrior, Glacier, Cascade
Yeast: Top-Fermenting English
Color: Copper
OG: 1.064
ABV: 6.9%
Food Pairings: Blackened Fish, Chicken, Duck, BBQ and Crème Brule
Availability: Year-round
Available: 12oz Bottles, 22oz Bottles, Draft

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