2 Founders Beers Blocked From Sale in Alabama

imageThe Alabama Beverage Control Board (ABC) has blocked Founders from selling their popular Backwoods bastard and Dirty Bastard in the entire state because the two labels do not meet their state labeling standards.  While no one on the ABC is saying officially, I suspect their problem is with the word “bastard?”  While they do have the right to ban what they call “questionable” or “objectionable” it appears as though “Bastard” has been approved in the past for Stone’s Arrogant Bastard as well other potentially objectionable words such as Flying Dog’s Raging Bitch.  Raging Bitch WAS rejected in Michigan and subsequently reversed on a First Amendment violation.

Stay tuned for more details on this one…I suspect we haven’t seen the last invocation of the First Amendment…as Kyle on South Park would say….”They killed Founders….you Bastards!”

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