Back in Aug 2010 we welcomed Brian “Spike” Buckowski (brewmaster for Terrapin Brewing) on the Friday BeerBuzz to help us sample his Big Hoppy Monster. Brian was a really fun guest and of course it helps that Brian has been brewing some really unique beers. Today I chose to challenge the palates of our Friday BeerBuzz team with an interesting combination of beer-styles with a new beer coming out or Terrapin.

I knew going in that this would not be a safe choice as a beer everyone would love, but I’m also aware that this is a great flavorful beer, and no matter what you ultimately think of it in the end, it is well worth trying….and you HAVE to love the turtle in the cow-suit!
This beer is readily available so get out there and try some.
to John, Nancy, Joe & Bosco for yet another fun Friday.
The Friday Beerbuzz…bringing good beers and good people together.
As always you can check out the video on-line at the WILK Friday Beerbuzz page by clicking HERE
I ha dthis beer @ Sabatinis on draft and it's a really good one. My first taste was odd, but as my tongue adjusted it got better and better.
Thanks JJ...we had it last weekend @ Sabs too... and I always agree that you need to let your taste buds stretch out a little before judging any beer...especially if you've had something different before hand.
ReplyDeleteI admit that "chocolate" and "milk" connected to the word beer seems odd at least to me but we found out today that the "milk" part refers to lactose and it balances with the cocoa nibs and actual shells used in the brewing of Moo Hoo in an exceptional way!
ReplyDeleteTerrapin makes good beers, I have some Hopsecutioner at home in the fridge at the moment!
Long story short (too late?), if you're like me and wonder what does beer have to do with chocolate and milk? Try this one and then you'll know. And I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Another great show, thank you Bill!
Just when I thought I had tasted every beer. Leave it to mybeerbuzz (or ourbeeerbuzz as we call you at home) to find a new one. We're on our way to Krugels for lunch.
Another funny show and nice beer. So who spilled and how?!
ReplyDeleteThe cow and the spill were hilarious. Was that planned?
ReplyDeleteRyan W
PS Great beer!
You guys always make me laugh and always conmvince me I need to try your beer. Thankfully you've recommended all great ones. Thanks again and I'll admit I liked the spill too.
Ha! No the spill was not planned. When you see the video you'll see that for yourself. Nancy had a little spill trying to raise her glass, but only because she's a little out of practice having missed a few shows.
ReplyDeleteWe'll do our best to keep up the good fun and maybe even a spill or tow ;)
thanks for another great show buzzers!
A+ Show. I'm amazed at how many beers are out there. Thank you WILK
ReplyDeleteSo why not Wake n Bake instead of Moo Hoo? Tell me you can't put that name on the air?
JT...Moo Hoo is a new seasonal from Spike that I wanted to feature. I like his Wake n Bake, and technically it has another name...but no...the entire topic on Webster & Nancy's show today was the legalization no we're not afraid to say wake n bake on the air. Now double-bastard may be a problem.... ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks John...I'd agree this is one that's worth trying.
ReplyDeleteI thought yo guys were tasting YooHoo!
ReplyDeleteNice show.
You guys and Nancy always have fun and that gets me excited about the beer you choose. I haven't had Moo Hoo but I will tonight for sure. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteBob K (Moosic, PA)
You've had some amazing guests so I can't believe you have another guest next week too. I love Boaks beer!
ReplyDeleteEvery time you do a Stout an angel gets it's wings!
ReplyDeleteThank God Prohibition failed!
I really like Hopsecutioner and Big Hoppy Monster, but this was a new one to me. Thanks for pointing it out.
ReplyDeletePat K
I enjoy Lancaster Milk Stout and it's one of the few beers my wife will drink. Maybe now I can get her to try a new beer. Thank you Bill.
Bill I have to thank you for the gret beer choices you keep making each week but also for pointing out on Facebook that Shadoe Steele does such a great music show. Last week we saw your post and heard your music requests and we really love the show. Make that both shows. Congrats to WILK for two home run shows!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for next week!
Thanks everyone...and I'd agre...we love SHadoe's show on WILK Saturday nights too.
ReplyDeleteNext week we'll have Brian Boaks from Boaks brewing in the studio AND he'll be pouring samples from 5-7PM @ Krugel's so come on out to say hi and sample his beer.
While I haven't loved every beer you feature, I do think you're doing a wonderful thing for our local craft beer business. Krugel's is a sign of just how big our craft beer market has become. Keep it up friday beer buzz crew and a thank you to Krugels too.
You always make it a great start to Friday. The only problem is now I have to wait all day to have a beer!! Maybe Georgetown for lunch??
I've seen this bottle. They have great artwork.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I've been a beer lover for 4 years and never had a Milk Stout. Well thanks to you I'll fix that tonight!
Yay Terrapin!
ReplyDeleteLoved it on tap from Sabatinis, and I'll definitely buy some bottles too today.
ReplyDeleteWhere's the video? Not up on the friday beerbuzz page. Wait it IS on the main page but not the fbb page??
ReplyDeleteSHould be OK now. I'm watching it now.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone interested in the home brewing event check out the wyoming valley home brewers link on
ReplyDeleteMoo Hoo YaHoo!
ReplyDeleteNice beer
I could play that spill over and over again....VERY funny stuff!!