First InBev sold Rolling Rock to Anhueser Busch (2006 $82Mil), then InBev bought Rolling Rock back in the AB/InBev merger ($52Mil) and the saga only continues. Turns out that after moving Rolling Rock production to Newark NJ and markettng it as "Born Small Town", sales in 20o8 are down. As a result, InBev is now looking to sell Rolling Rock. Stay tuned, I'm sure it will get even more interesting.
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Well,anyone with a brain realizes that Rolling Rock cannot excel without its hometown. I can only hope that someone puts two and two together and returns production of this Pennsylvania classic back to Latrobe.
ReplyDeleteThough odds are that it may head to Rochester, now an outpost Of North American Brewing (along with Labatts), and home to Iron City cans and draft, and soon Straub cans. Not a bad pedigree, come to think of it!
North American Brewing seems likely and latrobe seems unlikely....too bad but I'd agree on the pedigree of Rochester.