Epic / DC Brau Co-Brewed Exponential Series #6 - Fermentation Without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter 2012

imageDetails from Epic Brewing’s newsletter:

The first 2012 release of Epic  and DC Brau’s collaboration Fermentation Without Representation has a sweet vanilla and chocolate explosion on the nose. The brewers used 100% pure Madagascar vanilla bean and the golden delicious pumpkin puree used for this years’ production creates a full-bodied mouth feel and more pronounced pumpkin characteristics. Reminiscent of freshly baked gingerbread, the beer lingers on the tongue to create a full tasting experience.

Epic is proud to announce that our 2012 Pro-Am beer will be available on Friday, September 7. This year’s Epic Brewing Pro-Am brewer is Salt Lake City native, Scott Hunt. Hunt brewed his award winning IPA 74 with Epic in August. The homebrew won Silver in Utah’s 3rd Annual Beehive Brew-Off, 2011, in the American IPA category. The Pro-Am version of Hunt’s beer will be released under Epic’s Hopulent IPA brand label, will carry a unique stamp, Pro-Am ’12, in the “release information area” familiar to dedicated Epic imbibers.

Coming Soon: Big Bad Baptist will be released on Friday, September 28th!

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