Lagunitas NEW Brewing Equipment Damaged in Caribbean


Looks like the lauter tun of the new Lagunitas Brewing 250bbl brew system was damaged on-board the delivery ship in the Caribbean…sequential details courtesy of their Twitter Account:

Seems that our new 250bbll brewhse, hit a storm on the way into the eastern Carribe en route to Panama met HIGH seas, broached, and...

as the ship rolled thru almost 40 degrees a crane came loose from its chains and this (see photo above) happened

...and our 30' diameter lauter tun became a little mishapen.... a little... OMG... they're already building another one... jeeze

... just learned the tank is a total lo$$. Meanwhile two 40' tall 750bbl fermenters just moored in Stockton CA last night. Lotsa work to do!


I just looked in my checkbook and good news: I still have checks left...!

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