Artisanal Brewing Ventures Laying Off Workers & Restructuring

From Max Finnance (Senior Manager, Education & Training at Artisanal Brewing Ventures):

It wasn’t a call I was expecting to get, but I was laid off this afternoon. If you’re plugged into the beer industry you may have already heard the news, and may know someone else at ABV who was also affected by this restructure. After 8+ years with Sixpoint, and through the transition to Artisanal Brewing Ventures, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous about what comes next, but I’m also optimistic that this will lead to new and exciting opportunities. I’m beyond grateful for the time I had there, the incredible friends and experiences that I was introduced to, and to that team for supporting my career progression into a training & education role. I haven’t taken any of these wild opportunities for granted.

If you’re in the industry (or adjacent) and have leads on interesting job prospects, please keep me in mind! If you need smaller-scale consulting work, let’s talk.

I also recognize that my network is wide, so if you need an incredible candidate in sales, marketing, events, or similar support roles, please let me connect you with some of my other former teammates who are now job hunting too!

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