Surly Releasing Yummi Bear Cans

Surly Releasing Yummi Bear CansFrom Surly:

Is the West Coast the Best Coast? That’s not for us to say here in flyover country. But we absolutely love a good West Coast-inspired IPA, market trends be damned. That’s why we made Yummi Bear, our 2019 fall seasonal.

You’ll notice it says “inspired” up top. Departing from the dank, resinous profile of a traditional West Coast IPA, Yummi Bear finds its groove with wave after wave of bright, citrusy flavor and just a hint of tropical fruit character from the hops, capped off by a classically dry West Coast finish. (You have Surly’s permission to stage a Biggie/Tupac beer cooler rap battle between it and One Man Mosh Pit.)

Neither overly bitter nor aggressively fruity, Yummi Bear strikes an ideal balance and leaves you wanting more.  In other words, it’s Yummi.

The details:

ABV: 6.9%

Hops: Warrior (bittering); Simcoe, Centennial (whirlpool); Warrior, El Dorado, Centennial, Simcoe (dry-hopping)

Malt: Two Row, Carafoam, Cara-8, Dextrose

Aromatics: Orange, lemon, pineapple

Bitterness: Moderate/medium

Pour: Clear dark yellow

Yummi Bear is now available to all Surly markets.

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