SweetWater Adding 420 Strain Chocolope Stout

SweetWater Adding 420 Strain Chocolate Stout
Find this first on mybeerbuzz.com:  This morning we bring you another new limited release beer from SweetWater Brewing in Atlanta, GA.  This is 420 Strain Chocolope Stout and it is brewed with “chocolate, hops, strain-specific terpenes and natural hemp-type flavors.”  The beer will hit 6.4%-AbV and you’re looking at the 12oz bottle (12oz cans below).  Stay tuned for release details.
SweetWater Adding 420 Strain Chocolope Stout
SweetWater Adding 420 Strain Chocolate Stout

1 comments (click to read or post):

  1. I got it today, I hate it. Has that burnt rubber smell of skunk and I don't taste any chocolate in it.


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