Highlights Harpoon UFO Apricadabra Highlights Harpoon UFO Apricadabra

I like apricot beers.  There…I said it.  There’s something about the flavors, the balance of apricot, hops and malt that just makes me happy.  So today I am very happy.

As you can see we’re going to not only be sampling an apricot beer, but a new and exciting apricot Hefeweizen from Harpoon’s UFO line of “unfiltered offerings.”

This is UFO Apricadabra and it is the new spring seasonal coming to the UFO lineup.  We brought you a peek at this beer back in Sept, so I started anxiously awaiting my sample over three months ago….so off we go.

The beer pours a traditional unfiltered cloudy light orange and the apricot certainly leads in the nose.  Thanks in part to the fresh apricot puree, this beer has a very fresh aroma and very real apricot taste.  Harpoon uses words like “subtle” and “just a hint” but I found the apricot to be pleasantly prominent, at least more than I thought it would be.  Apricadabra is bright, refreshing and very drinkable so I wasn’t surprised how quickly I found the bottom of my pint glass approaching.  The beer finishes slightly sweet but with the balance and flavors of a traditional Hefeweizen.  All-in-all my only suggestion would be to re-release this beer in summer when I can take a 12-pack to the beach. Highlights Harpoon UFO Apricadabra

Overall this is a really nice beer, and it has to be hands-down one of my favorite UFO releases.  Apricadabra is available now in 12oz cans and bottles and as part of the UFO Jet Pack spring variety pack….so get out there and try some.  And when you do, be sure to let us know what YOU think.

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