Reuben's Brews Surpasses 100-Medal Mark After Winning 10 Medals in June

imageFrom Reuben’s Brews:

SEATTLE, WA. (June 28, 2016) The folks at Reuben’s Brews are going to need to open up a little more wall space. The brewery, located in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood, took home 10 medals from two competitions this month, pushing their total number of medals earned since opening in 2012 past 100.

“Winning our 100th medal is quite a milestone for a small brewery to hit,” says Adam Robbings, co-founder and head brewer of Reuben’s Brews. “When you’re a new brewery, competitions are a good way to get your name out there and you get to see how your beers stack up against others locally and nationally. It gives you some independent validation that you’re on the right track. We learn a lot about what trends are out there and what others are doing and it pushes us to keep brewing the best beer we can.”

At the North American Beer Awards on June 3, Reuben’s Brews took home four medals: silver for Air of the Night Baltic Porter and Foreign Export Stout, and bronze for Pilsner and Seattle Milk Stout.

Then on June 18, the brewery won six medals at the Washington Beer Awards: gold for Pilsner, silver for Kolsch and Triumvirate, and bronze for Robust Porter, Lilywhite Wit and Crikey IPA.

“We’ve come a long way in just under four years,” says Robbings. “Knowing that people like what you do is incredibly gratifying and I really appreciate all of the support we’ve gotten from the community. We wouldn’t be here without it!”

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