Kelsey Grammer Planning To Open Faith American Brewing In The Catskills

imageThe executive director of the New Yor State Brewers Association, Paul Leone, is reporting that Kelsey Grammer, best known for his role in the TV show “Cheers” is in the initial planning stages of opening a brewery.  The brewery will be called “Faith American Brewing” and it iwll be located in Margaretville, NY in the Catskill mountins of New York state.  The brewery is named for his daughter Faith, and it will be located on a former farm with plans to rehab an existing barn and grow his own barley and hops.  Initial plans call for a 2017 or later opening.

4 comments (click to read or post):

  1. "Chelsey" .. lol. His name is "Kelsey Grammer." You spelled both his first and last name wrong. Also, "hist" should be "his" in the first sentence.

  2. i saw you just corrected his first name ... but his last name is Grammer (not grammAr)

  3. ok... saw you finally have the name correct... final thing... change "hist" to "his" in the first sentence just after the comma

  4. Three typos! I think I just struck out. Thank you Jet Lag!


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