WILK Friday BeerBuzz - 2 Nov 2012 Wyoming Valley Homebrewers w/Chuck Yarmey & Dan Schreffler

WILKFridayBerbuzz8Sometimes its not easy trying to sum up weeks of preparation and a 15-minute radio show in a few paragraphs.  So much happens in a week and so many details go into 15-minutes of airtime, it just seems impossible to put it to words…well not this week….because this week we’re talking home-brewing!

Today we welcomed Chuck Yarmey and Dan Schreffler into the studio to help promote Learn To Homebrew Day.  We’ve had Chuck on the show before and in fact I believe with today’s appearance, Chuck has risen to first place for most appearances on the WILK Friday BeerBuzz….and while Dan may be new to the show he’s not new to beer.  Chuck & Dan are not only active homebrewers, but they are very good at it…and even better at teaching it to others….and that’s what brought them on the show today.

Every year the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers and the Scranton Brewers Guild co-host a Learn To Hombrew Day.  The guys (and girls) get together and demonstrate homebrewing.  This year the event will be held tomorrow (Nov 3rd) at the Waldorf Park Tiki Club in Scranton from 10AM - 4PM and whether you’re contemplating homebrewing yourself, you’re just interested in learning about it or if you simply want to hang out with a bung of people that love craft beer, this is your day.  From 10AM to 4PM there will be a variety of demonstrations and informational sessions, as well as club display and even equipment for sale so DO stop by and check it out.

So of course we sampled some great homebrews today….I mean what Friday BeerBuzz would be complete without beer?  With Chuck & Dan in house we decide to sample a Belgian-style Strong ale from Dan and an Imperial Pumpkin from club [president Ed Elliot.  Before you think homebrews are not as good as commercial let me say you are wrong.  As you gain experience hombrewing, you can brew VERY good beer and these guys have proven it again today.  Dan’s Belgian strong uses white grapes and it’s aged on oak.  The complexity of flavors imparted by the yeast he chose made this a wonderful beer.  Ed’s Imperial Pumpkin was a perfect fall-beer and with notes of pumpkin & spices…this beer was both complex and boozy…in a very good way….perfect for an 8:30AM show!

Stop by on Saturday and you can meet both Chuck & Dan as well as the other homebrewers and ask them how they do it….and I’ll bet they’ll be happy to show you.

Thank you to Chuck Yarmey & Dan Schreffler from the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers, Nancy, John & Joe for yet another

fun Friday.

The Friday BeerBuzz…bringing good beers and good people together.

As always you can check out the video on-line at the WILK Friday BeerBuzz page by clicking HERE.

34 comments (click to read or post):

  1. If you check out Learn to Homebrew Day at the Waldorf in Scranton on Saturday, 11/3, you'll be learning how to make beer from some very talented homebrewers like our guests on the WILK FBB this morning, Chuck Yarmey and Dan Schreffler.

    The 10-57 Belgian with Gerwurtzraminer grapes was excellent and Ed's Imperial Pumpkin had delicious pumpkin spice, malt, and...graham crackers?!? Both were great.

    Thanks to Chuck and Dan for being on the show, thanks of course to Bill from MyBeerBuzz.com who produces a fun and interesting FBB every week, and thank you for listening!


  2. Bil,
    Thank you once again for featuring homebrewing on the show and for promoting "Learn to Homebrew Day". Almost every craft brewer out there started as a homebrewer and their desire to share their creations with as many people as possible helps drive them to go professional.
    Hopefully people will stop in and see us tomorrow and learn how easy it is to brew it yourself.

  3. Great job guys. I can't wait to check out the event tomorrow.


  4. The 10-57 beer sounded amazing. Will there be samples tomorrow?


  5. While I believe there will be homebrew samples tomorrow, I'm not sure if Dan will be bringing any 10-57 to the event to share.

  6. I went last yer. I wouldn't miss this event. See you all Saturday. Jeremy K

  7. I started homebrewing after last year's take a friend to homebrew day at Breaker Brewing. I haven't joined a club yet but I will be there on Satuday. Can I bring a sample of my beer for someone to tell me what I'm doing right or wrong?


  8. Chris I'll let someone from the clubs chime in, but I'm sure they would be willing to sample your brew and offer advice.

  9. Will there be full-grain brewing going on or just extract. Alan

  10. Alan. yes to both as well as info on mead, winemaking and cider making.

  11. I enjoyed the show. I don't know much about brewing beer but I'll bet it's fun even if it doesn't come out great. Will there be food tomorrow at the Windsor? JT

  12. JT...I'll let the club members chime in but it's my understanding the Waldorf will have food for sale.

  13. You guys have too much fun!

  14. Cheers to Chuck & Dan for representing the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers. Nice job guys. See you early tomorrow morning.

  15. See you Saturday. I want to finally try a home brewed beer. Jason

  16. Last year at breaker I was blown away at how good some of the home beers were. I had a chocolate stout that was professional quality. I plan to come this year and get started soon. I might even pick up some equipment on Saturday too. Thanks WILK. Jerry R

  17. I think it's important to understand that there is a lot to learn to home brew. But you can make really good beer right out of the gate too. I love brewing even if not every beer comes out show quality too. Rich

  18. Talk to Steve form the Wyoming Valley guys. He make two beers last year that were amazing. I'll be back this year and I'm thinking about starting up this year too. Ron @ Mayfield

  19. Even with my power out I'll still be there. I had fun last year and hopefully I can charge my cell phone at the event too :) WrenG

  20. I started a few weeks after teach a friend to home brew day last year. My first batch of extract came out good. My first all grain I started about 3 months later. It wasn't great but I made a mistake and the club helped me at Sabatinis. My next batch was really good. I've made three brown ales since then and everyone likes them a lot. Try it for yourself. Ray

  21. Thanks for all of the positive comments everyone! I'll try to address some questions.
    @Eric, there will be a few samples tomorrow but not the large assortment any of the club's have at their meetings.
    @Chris, if you bring a beer tomorrow, I'm sure there will be people to give their honest opinions. Just keep it in the car first and once you get registered we'll talk about how we'll sample yours.
    @JT. As far as I know, Bil's correct in saying the Waldorf will have food for sale.
    See everyone tomorrow!!

  22. Just saw your video tape today. I didn't realize how good your show was until I saw it in person.


  23. I'll be brewing tomorrow. Stop up!

  24. I've made 10 beers since you all got me started at Breaker Brewing. I bought my kit the next day. I'll be back this year with questions too. Chris

  25. Great show. Kudos to the home brewers and the pro brewers they become. I'll be out on Sat. Jim

  26. I really like how your show features local brewers, home brewers, and nationally famous brewers as well. I think you represent PA very well and I think you will make our craft beer scene grow even more. Watch out Asheville!


  27. I'm curious to try home brewing so I'll definitely come see you guys tomorrow. I was glad you said on the radio today that it wasn't hard or expensive to do. I also think your beer today sounded really good. I'll say hi tomorrow. Jenney

  28. I made one batch of extract beer and I was hooked. I made about 5 more before I switched to grain brewing and I haven't looked back. I'm finishing my 25th batch of grain beer and they get better every time. I made a wheat beer even my wife loved. Thanks for the info. Mark

  29. Nice show. I love that you guys have been featuring home brewers for years and just the fact that Chuck has been on your show 5 times shows WILK's commitment to to supporting home brewers. Nice job! Steve

  30. I agree with you guys. The home brew community is great and I've heard you feature them before. Nice job to Chuck & Dan.

  31. I liked your home brewing myths segment too. Home brewing is like making dinner. Anyone can do it! Try it for yourself. Trust me you'll get hooked like me. BarnE

  32. I now have 7 beers in carboys in progress at home in a closet believe it or not. I was instantly hooked after watching them brew last year. Thanks for the new habit guys!

  33. I'm glad you mentioned the Learn to Homebrew event tomorrow or I would have missed it. I guess I should be paying closer attention to your website.


  34. Thanks everyone and thank you to Chuck & Dan from the Wyoming Valley Homebrewers for joining us today with some great home brews. Be sure to check out the Learn to Homebrew Day tomorrow 10AM-4PM at the Waldorf club in Scranton. For details check out wyomingvalleyhomebrewers.org


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