Rubicon brewing Releasing 25th Anniversary Single-Malt Single-Hop IPA

imageAs part of their 25th Anniversary celebration and as a way to commemorate the fact that they were one of the first brewpubs to make an IPA their flagship, Rubicon Brewing is releasing a special Anniversary IPA.  Details from the Sacrament Business Journal:

Rubicon Brewing Co. is releasing a special edition single-malt, single-hop IPA on Friday, when the brewery turns 25, as part of a weeklong celebration marking the anniversary.

Rubicon was one of the first breweries in the country to use an IPA as its flagship beer and it is the oldest functioning brewery in Sacramento, according to the brewery. Besides the anniversary beer release party on Friday, on Saturday Rubicon will host live music, guest beers and a pig roast. A “hangover party” is planned for Sunday. Guest beers will be available for special discounts. The weeklong celebration has also featured guest bartenders and special discounts to thank loyal customers.

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