Evil Genius Launching “Movembeer Smoked Porter

From our pals at Evil Genius:

In the spirit of Movember, the Idiots at Evil Genius will be looking even more ridiculous this November. The team will be growing some awful looking mustaches and posting daily growth online.

In addition to taking part in the annual mustache growing Movember charity, Evil Genius is launching a beer called Movembeer!

Created by the winner of the Evil Genius - Philly Beer Week Blind hop contest, Michael Harkness, the brew will be available on draft in select accounts in Philadelphia and York Pennsylvania.

All profits from Movembeer will be split between two charities, the Movember Charity and the The Alysha Miller Harris Baby Fund.

The Movember Charity raises awareness and funds for men's health issues, such as prostate cancer and depression.

The Alysha Miller Harris Baby Fund benefits the wife and unborn child of Ben Harris, an employee of Redhook Brewery who tragically died earlier this year when a plastic keg he was cleaning exploded.

Movembeer – Smoked Porter
In collaboration with Philadelphian Michael Harkness, Evil Genius created Movembeer. An American Smoked Porter with earthy hop flavors and a delicious malt finish. Notes of chocolate and coffee swirl around the smoky aroma and flavor.

Malts: 2 Rom, Smoked, Crystal, Black, and Chocolate
Hops: Magnum and Tettnang
ABV: 5.4%
IBU: 28

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