Troegs Nugget Nectar 2012 Latest Update - It’s OUT!

Troegs13Oct 2011 062 Update 2/17: Looks like Nugget Nectar is hitting the streets early.  Troegs is still saying Tuesday 2/21, but there are reports (and photos) from Central Bucks Co & specifically from Capones in Norristown showing bottle son the shelves!

Based on their initial statement, it looks like only one slight delay for the delivery of Troegs Nugget Nectar putting it out on in the tasting room on Feb 21st.  According to Troegs:

Due to the President’s Day holiday on Monday, February 20, many of our wholesalers are closed and they will not start selling Nugget Nectar until Tuesday, February 21. Because of this the Tasting Room and General Store at the brewery will start selling Nugget Nectar on Tuesday, February 21.

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