Narragansett Goes Pink (Lager & Light)

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It may be a little hard to see in the Lager label but it’s obvious in the Light label that Narragansett has gone “pink” in their labels.  I suspect our pal Mark Hellendrung produced these labels in support of a charitable cause, but stay tuned for the details.

6 comments (click to read or post):

  1. One might assume you found these in colas online. Seems a little unfair to the companies that the govt does that. I've seen this plenty of times on BA. Makes you wonder, when Coke has a new product they are not "outed" by the govt or the press are they? Not if they can help it. Doesn't this just force the brands to have to jump to the press release now..even though they probably just found out they got approval...and are no where close to having these labels or cans produced. Please don't take this the wrong way...Love the passion the craft beer news folks have but sometimes it feel a bit like the tail wagging the dog. Thoughts?

  2. The application process for a new label can take weeks (or longer) to gain approval. This certainly gives the marketing side ample time to ramp up anything they'd like. The brewery does get notification as well before the labels are made public record....and in most cases the beer itself already exists and is ready to go out the door (in some cases it's already being served). I suspect there are some who may not necessarily appreciate the free publicity and excitement, but there are also many who release the label BEFORE approval in an effort to get it out there first. In the many years and thousands of labels I've been doing this, I've received only 1 request to delay the label posting so I think that speaks volumes. I dont think we're forcing anyone to do anything by posting labels but thanks for the opinion. What does everyone else think?

  3. I love to see the new labels and it gets me excited to try a new beer. Sometimes to the point I'm out there hunting that new beer. I think getting people the beer news if free publicity for the brewers and it translates into us buying the beer. I think if they create, invent & brew these beers, there is plenty of time to work out a press release if they want to. I think this is helping the breweries not hurting. James

  4. I agree. This is good not bad for the breweries. Maybe the small breweries are a little slower, but mybeerbuzz is doing the job for them too. I don't see how this hurts anyone.

  5. Of course the public thinks its cool. As a beer drinker or beer geek I think its super cool. It's like insider information....for cool new beers from hot breweries it's like CRACK for the reporter and the reader. I get that. And yes maybe bigger breweries that actually have a marketing side have learned to accommodate and even use this system to their advantage, which sounds like the case. So I supposes that makes it accepted practice. If it were me, I would not know any better than to ask you not to release the info before it already happened.
    Hard to know the cat is out of the bag until it is right? There is no right or wrong here, and please don't see this as argumentative. It is really more a curiosity.

    I guess it begs the question: Are there any other industries where this is the case? Or just alcohol?

  6. It's an interesting point that I've thought about for not an argument at all. I'm sure there is some sort of DFA labeling approval and I'm sure all food labels are public record as well. I also thgink for small and large breweries this helps them. Free targetted publicity, it's generating excitement for their product and creating demand sometimes befor ethe product is even out. As I said in thousands of labels only one person has requested I delay a label, many ofthe others have thanked me. I'd also point out that even if you do ask that I do not post a label, someone else likely WILL post that label.


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