Switching to Wine and Hosting a NEW WineTV Show

WhineTVI excited to announce a new venture for  I’ve thought long and hard about this and I’ve finally made the commitment to change our direction to a new and exciting venture.  The media business is a crazy one, but sometimes you have to open new doors and try new things.  Beginning with the Summer 2011 television sweep season, I’ll be hosting a new TV show featuring Wine.  I’ve agreed to sign on for 16 episodes (2 pilots & 14 episodes), and I’m really excited by the new co-host of the show (stay tuned for details).  This program and 2 pilot episodes will be created and distributed by WineTV and will air for 30-minutes every Saturday evening on a national network.  At this time I can’t release the network or co-host, but stay tuned for details on both.

APRIL FOOLS!!!  (so tell the truth….did you believe any of it?!)

3 comments (click to read or post):

  1. I hope you'll give me a call if you're ever planning on featuring either Night Train ("Serve Very Cold"), Thunderbird, or MD 20/20. I have some experience with those from my collegiate years.


    Maybe we could dovetail the wine segment with some pairing suggestions. For instance, "Pairing MD 20/20, peach schnapps, and kippered snacks...bad idea."

  2. Let the cork-sniffing begin!


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