Breaker Brewing – News & Brews

BreakerBrewingLogoNew Just heard from Chris @ Breaker and he tells me They’ve just added Madison’s in Nanticoke to their list of Breaker bars (Anthracite Ale coming up). They will also will be working with the Wilkes-Barre Breakers Rugby team to make them their own beer tentatively named "Bloody Rugger Ale". The Breaker Brewing Pumpkin ale is almost ready and should be in some bars by next week, they have made a few batches of Belsnickler Ale to be ready for December. Also some time in January keep and eye out for their "16 Ton IPA" which will be an imperial IPA and Lunch Pail Ale which will be a very similar recipe to the original I-Love-PA.  Good stuff guys…can’t wait to try all the new beers.

3 comments (click to read or post):

  1. These guys must be brewing their buns off to keep up with commercial accounts and contract brews out of a one-barrel brewery. Impressive!

  2. And working real jobs, and maintaining a family with kids.

  3. Anthracite Ale replaces the Beach Bum at Madison's 10/1.


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