Port Brewing Real Ale Festival - June 12th

As you read this post I am airborne and on my way to sunny San Diego for the Port Brewing Real Ale Festival. To be more accurate I'll be in Carlsbad CA in the Friday VIP session...so stay tuned. Here's a little peek at the hand-pump line up from last year to make you jealous. I'll bring back details, beer menus, pictures and a belly full of great real ales. Cheers!

PS Yes I'll be out of town on the left coast for a while so updates may be a little scarce...

I WILL be TWITTERING from the west coast, @ the Real Ale Festival LIVE, and at any other events/craft beer establishments we visit. Watch for Twitter updates here (right hand bar) or directly on my Twitter Feed.

2 comments (click to read or post):

  1. Hey, we'll be there Friday night. Make sure to make it over to the Port/Lost Abbey brewery - Friday 4 to 8 and Saturday 12 - 5.

  2. Very cool....not sure but I don;t think we crossed paths.


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