Brewery Quiz....Guess Where we are?

Here's the first picture. Guess which brewery you're looking at? More clues to follow tomorrow.

7 comments (click to read or post):

  1. You might want to rename the picture. It gives it away. ;)

  2. Now I can;t wait to see who tries to figure out what the file name is (i.e. Was) as a clue. David would you have guessed without the filename??

  3. Bad guess...bite your really mean InBev right?

  4. Sorry I'm missing a comment...I had an Anhueser Busch guess directly e-Mailed to me....instert that before my last comment.

  5. I would have guessed somewhere in Europe but when I clicked on the picture I noticed the name and stopped thinking.

  6. I'll give you partial credit for getting the geographical area right and partial credit for good detective work. I assume th e remaining pictures give it away...Ushers Island and the actual name on the 3rd picture.


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