Chip the Beer Guy Rock 107 - Tommyknocker Ornery Amber

Today's Chip the Beer Guy show on Rock 107 featured mostly-meats. Angus burgers, fresh baked rolls....oh yea and beer. The beer of the week was Tommyknocker Ornery Amber Lager (Courtesy of Purvs Beer & More). This is a beer I have not tasted myself, but I'll admit it sounded pretty good, for a Lager that is. So what exactly is a Tommyknocker you ask....well according to Chip's research staff they are sometimes mischievous, sometimes helpful and are described as "short in stature, standing only 2 feet tall, wore colorful shirts, had wrinkled kindly faces with large heads." Clearly Webster MAY be a Tommyknocker (you be the judge).

As far as my favorite quote of the day, as much as I enjoyed the Jefferson Davis/'Weezie reference and the "I like my meats fresh (fill in your own Beavis & Butthead Laugh here)", I really have to go for Webster saying he's a "Tall Tommyknocker."

On a side note. I'm always wondering if I'll recognize Chip should I cross his path. After watching the videos, I'm pretty sure that as long as I've had a beer (or three) and forget to wear my glasses, I'm sure I'll recognize his blurry image. Always funny guys......Cheers!

To hear Chip's PodCast or watch the blurry Video CLICK HERE
UPDATE: Be VERY careful how you type "tommyknocker" in a Google Image search!

3 comments (click to read or post):

  1. Oh my god...have Webster or Chip seen this?? This is hilarious!

  2. Thanks....Not sure if anyone at Rock 107 is tuning into or not. Hopefully they'll check it out.

  3. Webster is definitely a Tommyknocker!


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