Top 50 Breweries by Sales (Craft & Overall)

Let's start the week with some interesting beer-stats. The Brewers Association of America just release the top 50 craft brewing companies by beer sales volume and the top 50 overall brewing companies by beer sales volume. Unfortunately we only get the rankings and not the actual numbers, but be sure to take a peek and see what "micros" are becoming pretty "macro." For the local flavor, check out #6 Overall!

Click HERE for the rankings...and if you really want to get an idea of what the numbers really are (at least for 2005) Clicky-click HERE.

3 comments (click to read or post):

  1. There must be something wrong (or incomplete) with these statistics, as our own Lion Brewery produces substantially more beer than Straub, but is not listed on either the craft or overall list, though Iron City and Straub are. Any ideas?

  2. I believe the Lion production numbers you're referring to include not only all of the various contract beer brewing they do, but also their malted-soda products. I'm sure these numbers only reflect the amount actually brewed as a Lion product (Stegmaier & Pocono). For example, Lion brews Lancaster beers. I'd bet those are counted under Lancaster numbers and not Lion.

  3.'re really digging into the archives to comment on a April post!


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