TGI Fridays Releasing Malt-Based 10oz Frozen Pouches (Pina Colada, Platinum Margarita, Strawberry Daiquiri & Blackberry Long Island Ice Tea)

Yes these are malt-based (aka beer) and TGI Fridays will be releasing at least 5 or 6 different flavors.  Today we get a peek at the 10oz frozen pouches coming from TGI Fridays.  These pouches are 5% ABV and while this is Pina Colada, and there are other flavors (Platinum Margarita, Strawberry Daiquiri & Blackberry Long Island Ice Tea.)  Stay tuned for release details.

9 comments (click to read or post):

  1. NOTE: Per State of Massachusetts 5 cent Deposits on each pouch.

  2. They are delicious! Platinum Margarita is my favorite! How can I buy them by the case?

  3. I am in retail.. who will be your wholesale distributor in Ohio? customers getting anxious Pam B

  4. where did you find them? anywhere near Northeast Ohio?

  5. The Pina Colada is wonderful. I would go in and buy at least 10 at a time. Now I went in to my local liquor store and they said the pina colada is being discontinued and they can't get any more. Can I order them on line and have a case shipped to me??? Love them.

  6. where's the list of ingredients? do they contain artificial sweeteners??

  7. Where can these be purchased in Memphis TN?

  8. Trying to find calorie info...any info?

  9. Unless it's printed on the packaging, they usually don't know or don't want to release it.


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