Oskar Blues Barrel-Aged Ten Fidy Imperial Stout Returns

Oskar Blues Barrel-Aged Ten Fidy Imperial Stout ReturnsFrom Oskar Blues:

We looked into our beer crystal ball and we see something tall, dark, and barrel-aged in your future. Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout is back in 2018 with taproom events on November 3, followed by national distribution on draft and in 19.2oz stovepipe cans.

Oskar Blues Brewery stuffed Ten FIDY Imperial Stout into bourbon barrels for a minimum of eight months; allowing vanilla, oak, and bourbon flavors to permeate the pitch-black depths of FIDY. During maturation, the FIDY-plus-bourbon flavors mellow into a cool, drinkable, deeply complex brew.

“Ten FIDY is already a big beer and barrel-aging takes it to the next level of decadence,” said Head of Brewing Operations Tim Matthews. “Espresso and burnt sugar flavors are turned up to eleven; alongside rich chocolate and caramel notes. Basically, it’s a flavor beast.”

Next, we asked the crystal ball what to pair Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout with. When we peered inside, we saw autumn days, football games, gatherings of friends, fireplaces, hearty stews and chilis, and decadent desserts. No, it didn’t mention anything about your dating life – sorry.

Click one of the following links for Taproom Release Details:

Boulder, CO

Longmont, CO

Brevard, NC

Can’t make it to a release event? That’s okay – BA Ten FIDY Imperial Stout will be nationally distributed following the November 3 release. No need for a crystal ball or a psychic hotline to find it – track it down via the handy beerfinder.

UPDATE 25 Oct 2018 here’s the full Press Release from Oskar Blues:

National distribution of Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout kicks off with Taproom events in Longmont and Boulder, CO and Brevard, NC

LONGMONT, CO , OCT 25, 2018 - BA – it stands for barrel-aged, but it also stands for badass, big attitude, born-again beer adventure. All those B’s and A’s add up to the biggest beer in the biggest can around – Oskar Blues Brewery’s Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout. This darker-than-dark 12.9% ABV behemoth is back in 2018 and ready for national distribution on draft and in 19.2oz stovepipe cans. BA Ten FIDY season begins November 3 with taproom events in Boulder and Longmont, CO, and Brevard, NC.

Oskar Blues Brewery stuffed Ten FIDY Imperial Stout into bourbon barrels for a minimum of eight months; allowing vanilla, oak, and bourbon flavors to permeate the pitch-black depths of FIDY. During maturation, the FIDY-plus-bourbon flavors mellow into a cool, drinkable, deeply complex brew.

“Ten FIDY is already a big beer and barrel-aging takes it to the next level of decadence,” said Head of Brewing Operations Tim Matthews. “Espresso and burnt sugar flavors are turned up to eleven; alongside rich chocolate and caramel notes. Basically, it’s a flavor beast.”

For those seeking to add a stimulant into the mix, Oskar Blues will also offer Java Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout (12.9%) only at Colorado and North Carolina taproom locations. The Java incarnation of Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY got all jacked up on roasty coffee flavor after an infusion of Hotbox Roasters’ super concentrated cold brew coffee.

Click one of the following links for Taproom Release Details:

Boulder, CO

Longmont, CO

Brevard, NC

At this point in the press release one may say to oneself, “Wait - what about the Austin, Texas, taproom?” Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout is currently available at the Austin Taproom - just ask your friendly Tasty Weasel Austin Taproom beertender.

Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY Imperial Stout is back in 2018. Get your hands on it at a taproom event near you or find it at your local watering hole via the beerfinder starting November 3.

About Oskar Blues Brewery

Founded over 20 years ago in Lyons, Colorado, Oskar Blues Brewery launched the craft beer-in-a-can apocalypse with their hand-canned flagship brew, Dale's Pale Ale. Today, Oskar Blues operates breweries in Colorado, North Carolina and Texas while reaching 200,000 barrels per year and featuring Dale’s Pale Ale as the nation's #4 top-selling craft can six-pack at U.S. supermarkets. Oskar Blues is available in all 50 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and parts of 17 other countries. Along with Cigar City Brewing, Perrin Brewing Company, Squatters Craft Beers and Wasatch Brewery, Deep Ellum Brewing and Three Weavers Brewing, Oskar Blues Brewery is a member of CANarchy, a disruptive collective of like-minded craft brewers dedicated to bringing high-quality, innovative flavors to drinkers in the name of independent craft beer. To keep up with all things Oskar Blues, visit http://www.oskarblues.com/

About CANarchy Craft Brewery Collective

Founded in 2015, CANarchy is a disruptive collective of like-minded brewers dedicated to bringing high-quality, innovative flavors to drinkers in the name of independent craft beer. The portfolio of craft breweries, partially funded by Fireman Capital Partners, includes Oskar Blues Brewery, Perrin Brewing Company, Cigar City Brewing, Squatters Craft Beers and Wasatch Brewery, Deep Ellum Brewing Company and newly added Three Weavers Brewing Company. CANarchy was ranked #9 on the BA’s list of the 2017 Top 50 U.S. Craft Brewers as ranked by sales volume. Cigar City Brewing’s Jai Alai IPA and Oskar Blues’ Dale’s Pale Ale are currently the #1 and #4 sold craft can six packs in U.S. Grocery. The CANarchy platform brewed over 350,000 bbls in 2017, reaching all 50 U.S. states, Washington, D.C., and parts of 17 countries spanning five continents. For more information, visitwww.canarchy.beer

About MyBeer Buzz

Founder, owner, author, graphic designer, CEO, CFO, webmaster, president, mechanic and janitor for mybeerbuzz.com. Producer and Co-host of the WILK Friday BeerBuzz live weekly craft beer radio show. Small craft-brewer of the craft beer news sites and one-man-band with way too many instruments to play........Copyright 2007-2025 mybeerbuzz.com All Rights Reserved: Use of this content on ANY site without written permission is not allowed.

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